Wednesday 2 May 2012

Scene 3 Creation

Scene 3

To create this scene, I used the last scene but I deleted all the parts that I didn’t want, I deleted the camera, the line and one of the siege engines, I then saved the file with a different name. this seemed like a much easier way of creatign new scenes rather than mergeing everything again.
For this scene I animated the wheels as I wanted a scene where I could show that the wheels of the engine were moving all the time. To do this is I grouped the objects on the engine that I wanted to turn, this was the six wheels, I used the auto key to create the animation.
After grouping the wheels I selected the auto key and rotated the wheels around, this I had a problem with when I rotated them it rotated the metal bars on their own, it looked completely wrong, to get around this I had to group every wheel on its own and then rotate them this was long but I got it done , the wheels don’t turn at the same speed though, that is my only problem when doing this part.
With the camera I made a line again and again used the fixed camera to get a dynamic view of the wheels turning .


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