Wednesday 2 May 2012

Scene 2 creation

Scene 2

To create scene two I imported the wall another siege engine and two machine guns to import items in I had use the merge object rather than import as I couldn’t get import to work.
 My first job in this scene was to get the siege engines moving,  to do this I used the auto key feature, I click the auto key button  then the menus go red so I know that I’m recording, I then move the siege engines along to the resting place that I wanted them, in this case it was all the way to the wall then stop.
The next job was to create the line that I wanted the camera to take to do this I used the line tool, I click where I want the start point to be then the next  click is a second point, for the third point I clicked and held so that I could bend the line. After finishing the line I then froze the whole scene except the line because it was hard to grab the line with the scene getting in the way, when I had it,   I lifted the line into place as I drew it from the top view so it would be in place.
I used another fixed camera in his scene, after placing it in the scene I used the path constraint to fix it to my line, when I did this the camera was going backwards along the line, I didn’t want this so I fixed it by swapping the end and the start point in the animation bar.


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