Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Setting the scene


 The Base
When creating the scene i wanted it to be in a field at first, so i started by creating a large box then flattened it out. I later realized that it would a lot easier to make it with a plane tool as the three dimensions where not needed. After creating the floor i thought about making the sky next, there was two ways of doing this, the first was to create planes around the scene to act like walls and then put a real picture onto them. the other way was to create a giant sphere and them put my image or colour onto this, i went with this idea with just using a blue colour as the background, when i used a picture it would either be too stretched or too small, and if it was too small then you could see the lines where two pictures met.

after the scene was created i moved onto lighting, at first i used the daylight system using the tutorial from YouTube, when i finished this, the lighting looked odd, and it took out a lot of the detail for some reason i don’t know why. The bump effect didn’t seem to have as much effect. so what i did instead was create two Omni lights, on opposite sides of the scene, one light would be the main light acting like a sun this Omni light i gave shadows and made it quite strong, the second Omni light i turned shadows off and gave it a more of a medium strength so that it doesn’t over power the sun.

Base Effects
When the scene was finished it look a little plane, when in the middle the sky just kind of looked like it stopped at the edge and that was it, also the land had a gap in-between it and the sky, to get around this problem i created some mountains around the scene so the scene was in a bowl, to do this i turned the base plane into am editable poly then selected the vertex selection and by using the soft selection tool i simply pulled the vertex up and created simple mountains around the scene.

After the scene was finished the ground looked very smooth, and in a real field the ground is not that smooth, to fix this i used the noise tool to create a bumpy look over the whole field.


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