Scene 1
To create scene 1 I imported
my siege engine into the scene, I then created a helix and placed it so
that the engine was in the middle, I then gave it a couple more turns, widened
it so I get a bigger shot and more of
the engine, to then create the camera I
used the fixed position camera. I placed the camera onto the scene placed the
fixed position so that it was in the middle of the engine so I can get a
central view and get the camera going around the engine.
To get the camera on to the line so that it will follow it I
went into the animation tab and seleced the constraints option, I then used the
path constraint, then it was simply selecting the helix and the camera then
snaps to the line, it also creates an animation as the camera follows the line,
I can make this longer or shorter by
selecting the finish point in the frame bar and moving it.
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