Tuesday 7 February 2012

Leaf tutorial

This is my leaf that I made from the tutorial, to create this leaf I had to take the image of the leaf into Photoshop and blacken out the background, I then had to make sure there wasn’t any white pieces still on the edges, so I used to brush tool to carefully stroke them out. i then created a new layer and made the leaf in the centre white so that the image was only black and white. after saving the new leaf image in the same place as the previous image, i used the same technique as the house by importing a bitmap material, but the original image had the leaf but all white behind it, so to get around this I used the map menu to use the black and white image as opacity this got rid of the white. Once the basic material was created i put plane on the field and set the field to 30 height and 30 length so that I can bend the leaf later, I then applied my material to it, once this was in place it was simply editing the poly with the soft selection to make the leaf bend.

I found most of this quite simple, I also like the way that i got to use all the skills that i have gathered.

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