This tutorial i used the animation time line to edit the movement of the objects on the screen i learnt that useing the set frame button is the manual way to create a key frame, but i can also use the auto key frame button to automatically add the frames in, with this i have to be carfull though as it can be easy to forget it is still on and it will keep animating. to animate it was as simple as cr4eating a keyframe then moving the time lien to the point that i want it then changing the object, i then add another key frame to end the sequence and thats it i found this simple.
i then used the curve editer to edit the curve so that is looks liek the ball slows at the top and then bounces. after this i used the dope sheet wich is also in the graph editers tool at the top to edit the timeing of the balls so that they didnt all go at the same time. you have to select all the object before you go int o the menu so that you have all the objects to edit.
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